
What We Do


Student Support Programs

The ability of students to thrive is at the heart of BPLK. Through student advisories, learning through internships, and scholarships; BPLK builds leadership, skills and the self-efficacy of students to thrive in the real world.


Teacher Professional Development

Big Picture believes in the strength of teachers and school leaders in shaping future student opportunities. BPLK therefore builds the capacity of teachers to support students in both cognitive and non-cognitive abilities.


Ustahimilivu Dadas Exchange Program

Big Picture partners with educators to visit local Kenyan schools to share expertise and learn from host schools.


Impact Numbers



Students Impacted


Educators Trained


Communities Reached


Educator Exchanges

Big Picture in Action


What our students say

Since I joined the Big Picture Learning, there has been a lot of changes in my life, listening and learning from other peers as they share their stories, I have been able to understand that each and every person has gone through a difficult moment in their life. I also got to learn about different leadership attributes of a good leader such as being emotionally Intelligent and being self-aware.

Omolo Sharon


The alumni program has helped me learn how to relate well with people in my community, Under leadership Academy I have learnt and acquire knowledge on responsibility, effective leadership qualities and how to apply skills on project based learning.

Ronald Kikuyu


Since I joined Big Picture Learning Kenya, I have learned more about the importance of being self-aware which is more of knowing and understanding my personality and how I can manage myself. Self-awareness has helped me be to be confident and built a strong relationship with my age mates.

Eboso Vivian Luliji


My major takeaways been part of the Big Picture Learning Kenya family so far has been, learning and appreciating feedback. Feedback plays an important role in our success path and some of the benefits include, improving individual performance, building better relationships and learning to respect another person’s opinion.

Sharon Khavulani


I have learnt about how to give and accept or take feedback which has helped me in my daily interactions with different people. I have learnt emotional intelligence which has helped me learn and know how to manage my emotional intelligence which is still work in progress as well. Growth mindset has enabled me to believe in myself even if this don’t go the way I expect or when I fail, I still have to keep pushing.

Muteyo Berlin Lukashi


Through Utiva learning how to code, how to create a website and improving on my relevant digital skills. I’ve learnt the importance of giving and receiving feedback and writing official letters such as invitation letters to my project support team. I have finally learnt how to focus on my areas of interest, my career, my talents and my abilities and getting out of my comfort zone.

Vyetty Muchiri Muturi
